
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Which Mass Media Forms are Most Appropriate as a Part of your Marketing Strategy?

Deciding on which mass media forms are most appropriate is a challenge for marketers. This would also require them to weigh out each of the respective benefits and disadvantages derived from either TV ads, radio or print ads.

In using radio ads, marketers find that it has flexibility in terms of costs in producing and placing it. It also has short closings which allow quick response from its audience. In addition, radio ads could be adjusted for creating a broad and localized market coverage and is found to be very effective if used during the morning. Its disadvantage however, is in its lack of visuals that could create passive response to its audiences. But others see this as a more creative means for listeners to have their own interpretation to create a much more relevant imagination brought by its accompanying sound and music.

TV ads are very effective to consumers. It both uses sounds and images to portray a creative demonstration of product attributes and benefits. Aside from reaching a wide coverage of consumers, it could persuasively explain a product’s benefits to its target market and at the same time give a dramatic portrayal of user and usage imagery and brand personality. But because of the creative elements that go with it, brand image and or the ad’s message can be overlooked aside from the fact that it entails high cost per exposure. There are also a lot of TV ads that clutter on every station causing TV ads and its intended message to be forgotten easily or even mixed up with that of other brands’ by its viewers.

Print ads on the other hand, like magazines and newspapers, are able provide much detailed information due to its self-paced nature. Because it gives detailed descriptions, it can effectively create user and usage imagery just with the use of words. It could also utilize images but only to provide a static presentation of the ad. Magazines are more colorful and effective in building user and usage imagery compared to newspapers which have poor reproduction quality and short shelf life that gives only a limited impact to brand consumers.

With the pros and cons mentioned, it is up to you to weigh them in relation to the nature of your products and or services offered, your intended target market and the budget that you have. Best of luck in choosing the right one or you can hire a professional marketer or set up a marketing department to do it for you, as long as you have the resources to fund it.

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